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Teaching Assistants

ANTHR 101: Social/Cultural Anthropology

You and your
Teaching Assistant

Your TA will be your lifeline throughout this course. He or she will run your Friday lab section and be there as a resource for you to help you succeed. TAs also handle any and all special accommodations, so if you have a letter from the University Accessibility Center please take it directly to your TA. All correspondence regarding this course must first go through your TA. If you have issues with your TA or lab section, please contact the Head TA, who will help resolve issues and bring urgent issues to Dr. Hickman. Grading will be done by a mix of TAs, and there is no guarantee that a single TA will grade your work. However, our grading procedures are rigorously standardized acrossed our team of TAs.


Your TA wants to see you succeed in this course. However, you too must do your part. We will not hold your hand, but instead will hold you responsible for knowing what reading assignments are coming up, when assignments are due, and class policies.


TA Contacts by Section


Head Teaching Assistant:

Rufus Pearce

Office Hours

Location: 861 KMBL


While your section TA should be your primary point of contact, feel free to go to office hours for any TA for general feedback, additional feedback on your writing, and to talk about the readings or other general concerns. You can also reach out to your section TA for a separate meeting if you cannot make it to their scheduled office hours.

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